These days NoSQL concept is hot. I am doing some POC on mongodb.
I am using java driver to access mongodb, to use same DAO pattern and ORM like interface I am using mongo-morphia library.
Quick access to mongo commands, you can go through mongo cheat sheet
JSP 2.0 EL and Functions
In my last project I need to call some utility methods from my JSP to manipulate model data. I didn't wanted to use JSP scriplets within the JSP, so the solution was to use utility method via JSP2.0 EL feature.
Approach I folowed was:
1. Declare function in a tag library descriptor.
2. Store TLD under WEB-INF directory (/WEB-INF/tld/)
3. Specify the function's prefix and the library's Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) in JSP file
Approach I folowed was:
1. Declare function in a tag library descriptor.
Image Utility functions
Image Utility Tag Library
java.lang.String getImagePath(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
java.lang.String getImagePath(java.lang.String)
2. Store TLD under WEB-INF directory (/WEB-INF/tld/)
3. Specify the function's prefix and the library's Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) in JSP file
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/ImageManip.tld" prefix="image"%>
Using Alert conditionally
Posted by
Ram Awasthi
on Thursday, February 4, 2010
Comments: (0)
In my last project I faced a lot of Bugs filed by QC team related to test Alert pop-ups coming which were introduced by developers for debugging and they forgot to remove those.
To get rid of this I used a wrapper function over alert() function which checks the value of a test variable if that is true then only alert() function will get called, this way I was able to control test alert pop-ups across the web application with single test variable.
To get rid of this I used a wrapper function over alert() function which checks the value of a test variable if that is true then only alert() function will get called, this way I was able to control test alert pop-ups across the web application with single test variable.
DEBUG = false;
function prompt(text) {
if(DEBUG) {
Message Property Like functionality in Javascript
Posted by
Ram Awasthi
on Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Comments: (0)
In my last project I was using JavaScript heavily which was using messages extensively.
Repetition of same kind of messages from multiple places was becoming unmanageable to handle that I have written a JavaScript class which provides Text message with respect to the message code provided.
This function works in two ways:
1. With code only (Messages.getText("error.text"))
2. With code and args (Messages.getText("error.invalid",args))
Here args is replacement for place holders like:
error.invalid = "Invalid input [1] for [0]"
So Invalid error message can be reused for multiple places where [1] will replace by value and [0] wil be replaced for Field name
For function overloading I have used addMethod - By John Resig as reference
Now to use centralized messaging in javascript you need to add this code to .js File and include in your html
Add all your messages to msg Object
like :
Repetition of same kind of messages from multiple places was becoming unmanageable to handle that I have written a JavaScript class which provides Text message with respect to the message code provided.
This function works in two ways:
1. With code only (Messages.getText("error.text"))
2. With code and args (Messages.getText("error.invalid",args))
Here args is replacement for place holders like:
error.invalid = "Invalid input [1] for [0]"
So Invalid error message can be reused for multiple places where [1] will replace by value and [0] wil be replaced for Field name
For function overloading I have used addMethod - By John Resig as reference
function addMethod(object, name, fn){
var old = object[ name ];
if ( old )
object[ name ] = function(){
if ( fn.length == arguments.length )
return fn.apply( this, arguments );
else if ( typeof old == 'function' )
return old.apply( this, arguments );
object[ name ] = fn;
function MessageProvider() {
this.msg = new Object();
this.msg['error.Login'] = 'Please login to submit link';
this.msg['error.invalid'] = 'Invalid input [1] for [0] [0] is invalid';
addMethod(this, "getText", function(code){
return this.msg[code];
addMethod(this, "getText", function(code,args){
var text = this.msg[code];
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
var re = new RegExp('\\[' + i + '\\]', 'g');
var dest = args[i];
//text = oldtext.replace(re,'’);
text = text.replace(re,dest);
return text;
var Messages = new MessageProvider();
Now to use centralized messaging in javascript you need to add this code to .js File and include in your html
Add all your messages to msg Object
like :
Conflicts faced While Load Testing
I was working on load testing of a web application last month, results were very conflicting when I was accessing application from browser response was very good but while executing script from Jmeter throughput was very less.
I had applied all possible optimizations like :
1. Query Caching
2. Output compression (mod_deflate)
3. Minify JS and CSS
but result was same.
I enabled logs to see compression ratio and realized that Jmeter was not sending accept-encoding HTTP header so Apache was not sending compressed result and that was affecting throughput.
After adding accept-encoding header throughput was as desired.
I had applied all possible optimizations like :
1. Query Caching
2. Output compression (mod_deflate)
3. Minify JS and CSS
but result was same.
I enabled logs to see compression ratio and realized that Jmeter was not sending accept-encoding HTTP header so Apache was not sending compressed result and that was affecting throughput.
After adding accept-encoding header throughput was as desired.